Conference Papers
1.Chaibakhsh, A., Yousefi Moghaddam, R., Tavoli, M.A., Zerafatangiz, F., (2003). Design and Modeling a Tennis Robot Based on Counter Rotating Wheels. Proceedings of 5th Iranian Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Polytechnic University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
2.Yousefi Moghaddam, R., Chaibakhsh, A., Tavoli, M.A., Rezaeifar, A., (2004). Optimization and Manufacturing a Tennis Robot Based on Counter Rotating Wheels system. Proceeding of 6th Iranian Manufacturing Engineering Conference, Polytechnic University of technology, Tehran, Iran.
3.Yousefi Moghaddam, R., Chaibakhsh, A., Rezaeifar, Tavoli, M.A., A., Bagheri, A., (2004). Fabricating a Tennis Robot Based on the Counter Rotating Wheels”, 1st Complex Systems Intelligence and Modern Technological Applications (CSIMTA), Cherbourg, France.
4.Yousefi Moghaddam, R., Chaibakhsh, A., Rezaeifar, A., Tavoli, M.A., Bagheri, A., (2004). Optimal Design a Tennis Robot Fabricated Based on Counter Rotating Wheels. 9th Mechatronics Forum International Conference, Ankara, Turkey.
5.Ghaffari, A., Moosavian, A.A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2005). Fuzzy Control of a Supercritical Once-Through Boiler. 17th International Iranian Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Isfahan, Iran.
6.Ghaffari, A., Moosavian, A.A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2005). Supercritical Once-Through Boiler: Experimental Modeling and Control. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Ontario, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 1340-1345.
7.Jabal Ameli, M.S., Rezaeifar, A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2006). Ranking Project Risks Using MADM Methodologies. International Conference on Risk Management, PTU, Tehran, Iran (Fa).
8.Ghaffari, A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2007). Modeling a Once-Through Benson Type Boiler Based on Soft Computing Approach. International Conference of Computer Society of Iran, Vol. 1, pp. 628-633, SBU, Tehran, Iran.
9.Ghaffari, A., Chaibakhsh, A., Parsa, H., (2007). An Optimization Approach Based on Genetic Algorithm for Modeling Benson Type Boiler. American Control Conference, Vol. 1, pp. 4860-4865, New York, USA.
10.Chaibakhsh, A., Ghaffari, A., (2008). A Nonlinear Steam Turbine Model for Simulation and State Monitoring. International Conference of Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 347-352, Langkawi, Malaysia.
11.Chaibakhsh, A., (2008). Efficient Control of Superheater Steam Temperature. 16th Annual Iranian Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Kerman, Iran.
12.Chaibakhsh, A., Alipour, K. (2008). A Composite Structure for Robust Control of a Rotational/Translational Proof-Mass Actuator. 16th Annual Iranian Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Kerman, Iran.
13.Chaibakhsh, A., Ghaffari, A., Rezaeifar, A. (2008). A New Approach for Temperature Control in Steam Power Plant. 16th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 570-577, Ajaccio, France.
14.Ghaffari, A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2008). Coordinated Control of Once-Through Power Plant Based on Fuzzy Feedback-Feedforward Approach. 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, Vol. 1, pp. 919-924, Johor Baharu, Malaysia.
15.Chaibakhsh, A., Ghaffari, A., Rahrovan, M., (2009). Feedback-Feedforward Fuzzy Logic Control for Superheated Steam Temperature Regulation in Thermal PowerPlant, European Control Conference 2009, pp. 4540-4545, Budapest, Hungary.
16.Chaibakhsh, A., Chaibakhsh, N., Abdul Rahman, M.B., (2010). Fuzzy Modeling and Optimization of Biochemical Processes – A Case Study. 2010 International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, pp. 11-15, Kyoto, Japan.
17.Ghaffari, A., Chaibakhsh, A., Shahhoseini, (2011). Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling of Heat Recovery Steam Generator. 2011 3rd International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, pp. 479-483, Singapore.
18.Chaibakhsh, A., Abbasi, P., Norouzi, A., (2011). Nonlinear Modeling of an Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Process Using Laguerre-based Fuzzy System. 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and Automation, pp. 31-35, Paris, France.
19.Salamati, S.A., Taghirad, H.R., Chaibakhsh, A., (2011). Time-scheduling Controller Design with Two-Valve Mechanism for Steam Turbines. 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran, Iran (Fa).
20.Ghaffari, A., Chaibakhsh, A., Shahhoseini, S., Chavoshian, S.M., (2011). Modeling The Heat Recovery Steam Generator of The Neka Power Plant Based on Soft-Computing Approaches. 19th Annual Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Birjand, Iran (Fa).
21.Mehrkian, B., Bahar, A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2011). Genetic Algorithm Based Optimization Approach for MR Dampers Fuzzy Modeling. WASET Proceeding of International Conference on Earthquake and Structural Engineering, Vol. 59, pp. 1035-1041, Venice, Italy.
22.Mehrkian, B., Bahar, A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2011). Genetic-Optimized Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (GONFIS) in Nonlinear System Identification. IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering, Penang, Malaysia.
23.Chaibakhsh, A., Ramzanpour, M., Ramzanpour, A. (2012). Application of a Hybrid Fuzzy Controller in the Temperature Regulation of an Exothermic Batch Reactor. 20th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Shiraz, Iran (Fa).
24.Mehrkian, B., Bahar, A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2012). Identification and MR Damper Comparison by Genetic Algorithm Based on Current Dynamic Models and a Proposed Pseudo Static Model. Proceeding of the 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran (Fa).
25.Mehrkian, B., Bahar, A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2012). GA-Optimized Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Nonlinear System Modeling. Proceeding of the 9th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
26.Chaibakhsh, A., Pourbeheshtian, M., Javadi Sigaroudi, M.J., Najafi, H.R., (2012). Modeling and Fuzzy Control of a Crude Oil Preheating Furnace, 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
27Bahar, A., Chaibakhsh, A., Haqdadi, S. (2012). Identification of MR Damper Based on Normalized Bouc-Wen Model Using Neural Network, 4th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
28Toorandaz, B., Chaibakhsh, A., Jamali, A., (2013). Optimal Model for Predicting the Behavior of Dummies in Vehicles Crash Test at Different Speeds, 21st International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran (Fa).
29.Rostami, M., Bagheri, A., Chaibakhsh, A., Javadi Moghaddam, J., (2013). Active Vibration Control of Laminated Plates with Piezoelectric Sensors and operators by the fuzzy controller, 21st International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran (Fa).
30.Bagheri, A., Sadri, A., Javadi Moghaddam, J., Chaibakhsh, A., (2013). Guidance and Control of Underwater Remotely Using a PD Controller and Mimetic Adaptive Algorithm, 21st International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Tehran, Iran (Fa).
31.Azadian, R., Bagheri, A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2014). Active Vibration Control of a Cantilever Beams Using Neuro-Fuzzy Controller and Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators, 22st International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran (Fa).
32.Miripour Fard, B., Safavi, S.S., Bagheri, A., Chaibakhsh, A., (2014). Online Footstep Planning For a Biped Robot to Walk in a Desired Direction in Presence of External Disturbances, 22st International Conference of Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran (Fa).
33.Balarak, H., Hosseini, S.M., Chaibakhsh, A., Farokhi, F., (2014). V94.2 Gas Turbine Fault diagnosis using FD Fuzzy System, The 5th Conference on Thermal Power Plants, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran (Fa).
34.Chaibakhsh, N., Chaibakhsh, A., (2015). High Yield Biocatalytic Synthesis of a Fragrant Ester by Particle Swarm Optimization, 2nd National Conference of New Technology In Chemical and Petrochemical, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
35.Chaibakhsh, A., Amirkhani, S., Piredeir, P., (2015). Temperature Sensor Fault Diagnosing in Heavy Duty Gas Turbines Using Laguerre Network-Based Hierarchical Fuzzy Systems, 2015 International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications, September 2-4, Madrid, Spain.
36.Adili, T., Rostamnezhad, Z., Chaibakhsh, A., Jamali, A., (2015). Optimizing the Operation of Crude Oil Fired Heater Furnace at Abnormal Conditions Using Genetic Algorithm, 1st National Conference on Soft Computing, University of Guilan, Roodsar, Iran (Fa).
37.Moradi, M., Chaibakhsh., A., (2015). Local Linear Model Identification for a Sub-section of Boiler Power Plant Using Neuro-fuzzy Approach, 1st National Conference on Soft Computing, University of Guilan, Roodsar, Iran (Fa).
38.Bahadorian, B., Narimanzadeh, N., Najafi, F., Chaibakhsh, A., (2015). Control of a Pneumatic Positioning System Using Pulse Width Modulation and Genetic Algorithm, 1st National Conference on Soft Computing, University of Guilan, Roodsar, Iran (Fa).
39Rahbar, M., Chaibakhsh, A., (2016). A Comparison Between EMD and EEMD in The Unbalance Detection of Rotating Machinery Using and Optimized Support Vector Machine, 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing and Intelligent Systems, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran (Fa).
40.Rahbar, M., Chaibakhsh, A., Ansari, R. (2016). Evaluation Numbers of Intrinsic Mode Functions Used in The Unbalance Detection of Rotating Machinery Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition and Optimized Support Vector Machine, 4th International Conference on Applied Research in Computer Engineering and Signal Processing, Tehran, Iran.